Job vs Business: What’s Better?

Income generation doesn’t have to be too difficult. 

Working for my dream is a big attraction as compare to working for others. I specially give advise to those people to do business who are wise, intelligent, creative, innovative and passionate. Such people should not waste their caliber, abilities and creativity for the craze of job. Do not think that, all jobs are government jobs then it will be easy to realize that there is no comfort, security, corruption and pension in job. Keep in mind govt jobs are few drops of water against huge job thrust of Indian youths. Do not take it for granted that all jobs are secure. There are many job that are risky and dangerous for your life and health. For example mining job, job in construction work, Army and police job, truck drive or crane operator job. This list of risky job can go on. Employee is also expected to work on extended hours as well as required to give expected performance. Like business, Job also need necessary skills, hard work and commitment. Unfortunately our education system does not teach those skills that are needed for job. Education system provides mere theoretical information or outdated skill sets that are not much helpful. In job you can not make more money rather you have to live with limited income with slow increasing salary.
In the case of business, you have more responsibilities but less accountability as you are the boss. In the case of being an employee, you are responsible and accountable for your actions. Employee have to pay for others in form of tax because you can not hide your real income. In jobs, you are helping others to make more profit and you get a low cuts for your hard work, so let other work for you instead and make the big money. In case of being business man, you not only earn money but also become direct/indirect source of income for others.

About doing Jobs

It depends upon the person, different people have different likings and capacity to do things. Some people feel comfortable with doing the job because they like to have limited workload and responsibility.
According to their mindset, it gives them regular fixed income and stability and other benefits like job security, limited or no risk and financial stability.

About doing Business

Doing business need some specific qualities, managing people and matters, taking smart decisions, acquiring required resources, capital, planning and implementing strategies to achieve set goals in stipulated time.


So one must check what his/her capabilities and present and long-term goals in their life, so they can choose wisely and enjoy their job/profession or running a business enterprise.


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