Best Animation Movies of all times

3D Animation Services are required to make an animated movie. Here’s a list of my favourite animated movies.

This has been a strong decade for animation. The big-hitters at Disney/Pixar dominated the mainstream with their fair share of wonderful movies, but we also saw studios like Laika continue to grow and become forces to be reckoned with. However, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is the quality of the films, and we’ve been treated to some gems from various studios, countries, and artistic visionaries in recent years.

1. Brave (2012)

As noted by our very own boss man, Brave marked Pixar's First True Disney Movie after being acquired by the House of Mouse. Make of that what you will, but the film does contain many hallmarks of old school Disney fairy tales — princesses, witches, etc — and that’s not a bad thing. Pixar’s best output pushed the boundaries of animated storytelling, and while Brave is less ambitious in that sense, the film is still an enriching experience that contains strong characters, stunning animation, and moments of real insight and beauty. There’s nothing wrong with some familiarity when it’s this well executed.

2. World of Tomorrow (2015)

At initial glance, 
World of Tomorrow looks quite basic compared to other animated efforts released this decade. The stick figure drawings and computer-generated imagery aren’t sophisticated, but that’s what makes this gem so unique. The film tells the story of a little girl who’s visited by a time-traveling adult version of herself, and together they go on an adventure into the future. Writer-director Don Hertzfeldt recorded his four-year-old niece in her natural environment while creating the film, and with those samples of a child’s words, he told a story that’s brimming with meaning and thought-provoking sentiments about life.

3. Toy story 3

While I enjoyed Toy Story 4 quite a bit, ending the saga here would have been perfect. For 15 years, we watched as the toys went from being Andy’s playthings to his cast-offs, as he grew up like every other child does and no longer needed them. But they still needed him. It’s a heartbreaking journey to witness, but it’s honest and pure. Toy Story 3 is a hilarious and heartfelt tale of abandonment that isn’t afraid to portray the sadness that comes with no longer being wanted, and it’s hard to think of other movies that capture the feeling of yearning for innocent times quite as effectively as this animated adventure. 

 4. Inside Out (2015)

If there’s one thing that’s certain in this life, it’s that change is inevitable. Sometimes it happens organically, other times it’s forced upon us. Change can be happy, sad, terrifying, and in some cases, all of the above. But it’s unavoidable, and this is the central theme of Inside Out. The story follows an 11-year-old girl who’s forced to settle in a new city when her father gets a new job. The move sends her five core emotions — all of which are colorfully personified as characters in their own right — out of whack. If Inside Out teaches us anything — regardless of our age, situation, etc — it’s that it’s natural not to be okay sometimes.

5. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Ah, Spider-Verse. What would we do without you? At the very least, we would continue to watch animated features that all repeat the same art style ad nauseum until the end of time. But beyond the eye-popping color, text boxes, and panel frames of Into the Spider-Verse’s comic book look, this 2018 masterpiece brings Miles Morales to the big screen for the first time, along with a truly moving story about heroism, diversity, friendship, and family. The film’s distinct blend of traditional and CGI animation makes it a delight to look at, and engaging even with the sound off; but then you’d be missing the killer soundtrack and dominating voice performances of a brilliant cast. Into the Spider-Verse is a movie filled with love; love for its source material, love for Spider-Man and his history, and love for the medium of animation.


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