Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage

Relationship Guidance may be required in both types of marriages. But which one is better? Let’s find out. 

Love marriage Vs arranged marriage is a lifelong commitment and you cannot leave it to chance. Hence choosing the right life partner is the key to success and happiness. Love marriage and arranged marriage are two routes to getting marriage. In love marriage, you get to marry a person with whom you fall in love with. In an arranged marriage, you search through several sources to select the perfect match who will meet your expectations and preferences. 

In contemporary India, there is a growing perception that arranged marriages are giving way to love marriages due to changing education levels of the population and increasing the ability for women to exercise choice.

Arranged marriages are also being perceived as a failure on the part of the man or the women to find someone for marriage on their own.

  • When two individuals choose to marry for the sake of love and not base their marriage on any other factor such as religion, caste, economic background, social status is a love marriage.

  • When two individuals choose to marry based on the recommendation by their family members based on factors such as religion, caste, economic background, or social standing, it is called an arranged marriage.

Difference between love marriage and arranged marriage

The difference between love marriage and arranged marriage is when the couple falls in love – before marriage or after marriage!

With love marriage, you are going into a relationship knowing this is what you really want. In an arranged marriage, you get into a relationship hoping that you made the right choice.

Similarities between love marriage and arranged marriage

Irrespective of how and when you find love, any successful marriage requires a lot of flexibility, compassion, empathy, selflessness and sacrifices for it to succeed.

Love can grow over a period of time or it can gradually fade away as well. This is true in love marriages as well as arranged marriages.

The success of a marriage boil down to a supportive social environment and the willingness of the couple to make it through the ups and downs of married life.

I think, if you try to understand and make a balanced decision, then Love marriages are 100 times better than arranged marriages. Because of the following points:

  • In case of Arranged marriages, you may likely to marry a person who loves actually another person of another caste, but because of the parent's pressure or some other reason agreed to tie a knot with an unknown person of same caste. In India, such things happens much more than love marriages, and it destroys 3 people, or at least two. It always remains as an unfulfilled desire of life, to marry a person one loved and loves to marry with, whatever be the after effects. 

  • Nowadays Arranged Marriages is harming the culture, and is resulting in what is against the Indian mentality in olden days. Back then in olden days, arranged marriages been happened between well known people of some surrounding villages, whose characters are well known to all, and that made individuals to keep their character clean and clear, and do not involve in extramarital sexual affairs, which is why we see a thinking in older/elderly people that if some person (especially girls) who is not being able to get a partner for marriage, then it is perceived as because of his/her characterlessness which is why he/she is not getting a person to marry with. 

  • Arranged marriages, no matter how much casteists people like to deny and divert the issue, is actually the real cause of all the social evils happening in India. Arranged marriages means caste marriages in India, and caste marriages is the real origin of all the social evils of India, be it dowry system, dowry deaths, female foeticides, female infanticides, subjugation of women, lovers suicide, killing of own child/sister in the name of intercaste marriage, boycotting the individuals who want to live together even being of different castes because of their love/likings of each other.


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